Milwaukee Water Works

The Milwaukee Water Works (MWW) is a national leader in providing high quality, healthful drinking water. We purify Lake Michigan water to provide pure and fresh drinking water to 866,993 people in 16 communities in Milwaukee, Ozaukee and Waukesha Counties.

The Milwaukee Water Works is owned by the City of Milwaukee. Policy is set by the Mayor and Common Council. We adhere to regulations of the Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) and the Wisconsin Department of Natural Resources (DNR) for facilities, operations, and water quality. The Public Service Commission of Wisconsin (PSC) sets water rates and service charges and monitors our accounting.

* Average daily pumpage in 2020 was 89.1 million gallons.
* We maintain 1,960 miles of water mains, 19,889 hydrants and 50,460 valves.
* Daily per-person, indoor and outdoor use in Milwaukee is 41 gallons.
* The utility has 345 employees in Plants, Distribution, Business, Engineering, and Water Quality work units.