Shower Stream

Shower Stream solves the “Shower Warm-up Waste” problem with a smart shower head that saves hotels and commercial facilities 20% of their shower utility costs without disrupting the guests’ experience whatsoever.

Studies from Lawrence Berkeley National Labs show that 70% of bathers leave their showers unattended for 2 minutes on average after their shower is warm, resulting in $100 wasted per bathroom per year. This amounts to at least 20% of the water, sewer and gas utility costs of the typical shower.

At hotels, this shower warm-up waste problem is even worse since guests are often more wasteful in hotels than at home. The typical hotel franchise loses at least $30M per year in hot water utility costs to the warm-waste problem alone. Economy hotels spend over 80% of the operating costs on utility and maintenance bills so this problem is especially painful for them.

In the U.S alone, this problem wastes 2 trillion gallons of water, 1 trillion kWh of energy and $50bn in utility costs annually. In a society where resource conservation is rapidly growing in importance; Shower Warm-Up Waste is an issue that we aim to solve while prioritizing a luxury guest shower experience, increasing hotel profitability (by slashing their utility bills and maintenance costs) and preventing a ton of hot water waste in the process.