Small Business ForwardThe Water Council launched ‘Investments in Water Innovation Week’ today with a special press conference to announce a new partnership with JPMorgan Chase & Co. as part of the financial powerhouse’s Small Business Forward program.

The press conference, hosted at the Global Water Center, was attended by special guests of honor, Wisconsin Governor Scott Walker and Milwaukee Mayor Tom Barrett. JPMorgan Chase has awarded The Water Council a $225,000 grant that will be used to bring together North America’s investment community and water technology entrepreneurs, matching capital with water innovation. The grant is part of a larger initiative JPMorgan Chase announced last month, Small Business Forward, which is a five-year, $30 million grant program meant to boost small business support networks that help growing enterprises in specific industries.

The Water Council will identify investment firms that are interested in exploring water technology investments, prepare water investment training information and conduct an investor conference with entrepreneurs.

“Our company recognizes the growing importance of water not only in the United States, but across the world, and we believe that many of the solutions to those issues will be derived from the small businesses that are being developed by The Water Council,” says Jim Popp, President of Chase in Wisconsin. “It was only natural for Chase to combine its support for American small businesses with America’s leading technology cluster.”

Immediately following the press event, JPMorgan Chase and The Water Council hosted a panel discussion on the ‘Advantages of Investing in Water Technology.’ Panelists included various stakeholders from the public and private sector, including entrepreneurs and venture capitalists. They each shared their own experiences in investment, divulging various challenges faced along the way and untapped resources at the state level.

Key messages of the panel included:

The Wisconsin Economic Development Corporation has a variety of programs, grants and other resources for small business development through there Innovation & Entrepreneurship offices, and encourage guests to look into what resources may be most beneficial to your company’s needs.

Stay tuned for more updates! Tuesday’s event: Wisconsin Innovation Awards in Madison.

Interested in engaging with The Water Council? Sign up to be on our mailing list HERE or contact Meghan Jensen, Director of Marketing & Membership, at or by phone at (414) 988-8754.

Additional Coverage:

The Wall Street Journal
Water & Wastes Digest
Environmental Protection
Milwaukee Journal Sentinel
Milwaukee Business Journal
Biz Times

This post was tagged under: Investments