“…Let’s have the security people sitting right next to the architects, the designers, the coders,” said Caitlin Durkovich, director at Toffler Associates.

Durkovich has been working on information security since 1998, and she just finished 8 years working on protecting all kinds of U.S. infrastructure from all kinds of risks at the Department of Homeland Security. The last 5 of those years, Durkovich was the assistant secretary of DHS for infrastructure protection. She worried about danger from terrorists, weather, single points of failure, even dangers from space.

It was her job to understand all the ways society could unravel in an afternoon, and how to prevent that. “I loved it,” she says. “I’m good at scaring people and making them re-think what they do.” Durkovich lives in Washington, D.C.


“The way we do cybersecurity today is if cars had no locks or ignition keys, and we suddenly decided to add them. We might be able to make it work, but it sure would be ugly.”

– Caitlin Durkovich

Learn from Durkovich and other thought leaders, and share leading practices around securing our water future at Water Leaders Summit 2017. Registration closes May 19.

– Charles Fishman, author of “The Big Thirst” and Fast Company contributor
This post was tagged under: Caitlin Durkovich, Charles Fishman, Water Leaders Summit, Water Security