MMSD addresses challenges of climate change with holistic solutions

The Milwaukee Metropolitan Sewerage District (MMSD) serves 1.1 million people in 28 communities across 5 counties in capturing, treating and returning water back into our waterways. With Milwaukee’s Deep Tunnel system on any given day will treat 75 million gallons, with rain that increases to 300 million gallons and in a down pour up to 690 million gallons of water. This is no easy feat, but with an astounding capture and clean rate of 98.5%, the efforts of MMSD and surrounding communities is well above the federal requirement of 85%.

“Every drop of storm water that you manage on your property and every drop less that you use in your home is one drop less that you’re paying us to treat. That makes for less water that we have to treat, so we’re saving our capacity for those large events.”

-Kevin Shafer, Executive Director, MMSD

Read more about MMSD’s efforts towards maintaining high standards of health and safety.