As water and resource agencies around the United State embrace Wellntel as a platform for creating Community Groundwater Networks, Wellntel is unveiling a new suite of groundwater-level data services designed to accelerate network expansion, data analysis, and fact-based outcomes and actions.

Conventionally, groundwater data have been collected and processed manually. Wellntel sponsors are finding that with Wellntel, collection can be automated using the built-in telemetry and Cloud. Once in the Cloud, Wellntel’s new Data Services – included as part of every Sponsor Network – improve and streamline the analytical tasks, data management and communication of groundwater facts to meet sponsor goals.

The benefits of becoming a Wellntel sponsor – and of Wellntel’s Data Services –  accrue immediately. The Wellntel team works in partnership with sponsors to plan and train for the deployment of the network and also supports with the basics of volunteer member recruitment including legal templates, well specifications for ideal candidates, and best practices developed by current Wellntel sponsors.

Read the full story by WelIntel