Dean Amhaus, the founding president and CEO of The Water Council, will retire later this year after 15 years of service to the organization.
The board will immediately commence a nationwide search for a new leader for The Water Council, with Amhaus remaining in place until a new CEO comes on board to ensure a smooth transition.
Amhaus played a key role in the formation of The Water Council in 2009 and became its first staff person in 2010. Since then, he has built The Water Council’s programming, grown its international network and raised Milwaukee’s reputation as one of the premier water technology hubs in the world.
“The Water Council would not exist without Dean’s vision and dedication,” said Scott Beightol, The Water Council board chairman. “His contributions to the water technology sector and water stewardship have created a lasting legacy in Milwaukee, Wisconsin and the United States, while simultaneously elevating our region’s influence globally.”
The Water Council has achieved significant milestones under Amhaus’ leadership, including:
Amhaus has dedicated much of his career to promoting and improving his hometown of Milwaukee. He previously served as president of the Spirit of Milwaukee, a nonprofit dedicated to enhancing Milwaukee’s image; president of Forward Wisconsin, the state’s marketing economic development organization; executive director of the Wisconsin Sesquicentennial Commission; and executive director of the Wisconsin Arts Board. He became a passionate advocate for freshwater and water technology after helping discover Milwaukee’s unique water technology cluster during his time with the Spirit of Milwaukee.
“Leading The Water Council from its inception to its position as a global leader today has been an extraordinary honor and privilege,” Amhaus said. “This achievement would not have been possible without the dedication of my early fellow co-founders, an exceptional board of directors composed of industry and academic leaders, countless partners and friends worldwide, and, of course, a tireless staff committed to establishing Milwaukee as a true global water hub.”
The Water Council board is forming a search committee to find The Water Council’s next leader.
“We are enthusiastic about The Water Council’s growing role as a leader in protecting freshwater resources through technology innovation and water stewardship, now and in the future,” Beightol said.