Open Innovation Programs

Boost Your Water Technology

tech challenge

Our Tech Challenge connects water innovators to innovative water users through topic-specific open innovation contests. Participants compete for a $10,000 prize along with corporate expertise and feedback and the potential for corporate partnerships.

Our spring Tech Challenge is open through May 2. This session’s topics are:

  • Sensors for biological organisms and disinfectant byproducts
  • Removal of organic contaminants from water
  • “Lab on a chip” for water and wastewater applications

Read on for more information and to apply.

topic 1: Sensors for biological organisms and disinfectant byproducts

On behalf of A.O. Smith, Badger Meter, Watts Water, and Xylem, The Water Council is managing a Tech Challenge seeking innovative solutions for sensing microbiological organisms or disinfection byproducts. Disinfection byproducts (DBP) result from organic compounds reacting with disinfectant chemicals. Microbiological detection is sought for the following types of applications:

  • Presence of pathogens in water distribution system, wastewater effluent, and biosolids
  • Presence of illicit discharges to storm and sanitary sewers
  • Process monitoring of wastewater treatment
  • Detection of yeast in fermenting processes

Key Success Criteria 

    • TRL 3 or higher (Feasibility Demonstration: Initial development of technology has been completed. Basic components of the technology are well understood. Minimum: Laboratory Scale)
    • Durable
    • Low cost
    • Long lasting
    • Low energy usage
    • Rapid response
    • Minimizing false positives or false negatives
    • Non-toxic reagents or no reagents required

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topic 2: Removal of organic contaminants from water

On behalf of A.O. Smith, Badger Meter, Watts Water, and Xylem, The Water Council is managing a Tech Challenge seeking novel treatment and removal methods for removal of organic contaminants. Alternatives to Activated Carbon are sought for the following types of potential applications:

  • Point of use / Point of entry drinking water treatment
  • Municipal water supply
  • Municipal and industrial wastewater
  • Cooling towers and systems
  • Boilers and water circulation systems
  • Well water

Key Success Criteria  

    • Not based on Activated Carbon
    • Wide range of operating temperatures
    • Durable
    • Low cost

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topic 3: lab on a chip

On behalf of A.O. Smith, Badger Meter, Watts Water, and Xylem, The Water Council is managing Tech Challenges seeking innovative solutions for “lab on a chip” for water and wastewater applications. Lab-on-a-chip solutions at Technology Readiness Level 6 or higher are sought for:

  • Real-time monitoring of water and wastewater
  • Epidemiological detection of emerging viral pathogens, including H5N1
  • Portable PCR-based technologies
  • Detection of emerging contaminants, including pharmaceuticals and their byproducts

Key Success Criteria 

    • TRL 6 or higher (Viability Demonstration: Technology demonstration as a model or prototype in relevant environment. In process of being transferred to industrial partner)
    • Low cost
    • Long lasting
    • Low energy usage
    • Rapid response
    • Non-toxic reagents or no reagents required
    • Minimizes false positives or false negatives

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Katie Kollhoff Mouat

Innovation Programs Director