Nurturing Water Technology Innovation & Entrepreneurship

The Water Council supports all stages of water technology innovation, from prototype to pilot to market and beyond. Our suite of innovation programming helps entrepreneurs get their ideas and businesses off the ground, providing the expertise and connections they need to be successful. Learn more about our programs to find out which one is right for you. Join our mailing list to be alerted when programs are inviting applications, or click here to see programs that are currently open.

what is water technology?

The Water Council defines water technology as solutions that address water quality and quantity for various user segments. Some examples include:


our innovation programming

brew 2.0 post-accelerator

BREW (Business, Research & Entrepreneurship in Water) 2.0 is a next-stage post-accelerator created to help late-stage startups build connections and grow their company’s capacity. This virtual and in-person hybrid program focuses on expert-led sales and growth training along with a pitch event, all tailored for water tech businesses.

Each year, companies from anywhere in the world are chosen to participate through a competitive application process. Ideal participants have already successfully participated in one or more accelerator programs, are market-ready or in market with early sales, and are ready to grow.

Tech Challenge

Our Tech Challenge empowers anyone with a freshwater technology innovation to vet their concept with industry professionals from leading corporations. Twice per year, our corporate sponsors – some of the largest water technology companies in the industry – select challenge topics, review applications and select finalists. Finalists present their solutions to the sponsors to compete for a cash prize, as well as an opportunity to work with a sponsoring corporation to turn their innovation into a viable commercial product.

The Tech Challenge accepts applications from anyone, anywhere; individuals, university students and researchers, water professionals, startups, and private-sector and government labs are welcome to apply.

Pilot Program

The Water Council’s Pilot Program helps water technology innovators from around the world bridge the gap from prototype to real-life application by facilitating in-field piloting. The program provides technical support services, funding and potential sites to help validate cutting-edge products and move them forward.

The Pilot Program is offered through a competitive application process open to all, from start-ups to established businesses. Selected projects must address specific challenges identified by the funding entities while maintaining a cost-efficient, scalable and deployable model.

Looking for more?

Become a member of The Water Council to access networking, matchmaking, international connections and much more. We offer rates for startups as well as established businesses, utilities, nonprofits and academic partners.

Karen Frost

VP Economic Development


Katie Kollhoff Mouat

Innovation Programs Director