The Water Council’s small business development initiative is a national and international network that links small and medium water technology businesses to critical resources.

Our water technology small business cluster connects small and medium-sized businesses to critical resources such as training, networks, supply chains and technical assistance. Many of our small business services were originally established through a Regional Innovation Cluster contract with the U.S. Small Business Administration (SBA) in 2014. In 2024, we were awarded another SBA contract as a mature water technology cluster. Our small business initiatives promote the growth and development of small and medium-sized businesses operating in the water technology sector in the Great Lakes region, across the United States and around the world.

We leverage a broad network of international relationships through our 30 global partners and European representative. Through our international work, we connect foreign-owned companies with services and soft landing options in Wisconsin, as well as connecting companies in the Wisconsin water technology hub and beyond to international business development opportunities, export training and connections to foreign markets.

Services & Support

  • Innovation programming, including our BREW 2.0 Post-Accelerator for late-stage water technology startups
  • Matchmaking with large, small/medium and startup businesses
  • Training and workshop opportunities
  • Customized support for small business and companies seeking US market entry, including customized market reports; access to consulting resources; connection to subject matter experts in manufacturing, legal, tax, accounting, talent, recruitment, sales and sales process cultivation; and more
  • Access to new markets (including procurement and federal contracting), new market resources and export support
  • Contact our team for an intake discussion

resource portal

We have launched a small business resource portal to gather information for water technology startups and small businesses in one place. Check it out for out for articles and videos on topics such as regulatory compliance, building your team and how changes to the federal government could affect the water technology sphere. Users of the portal will be asked to create a free sign-in.

Visit the Portal

Frequently asked questions

Who can participate in the Small Business Program?

Any small business as defined by SBA is invited to discuss how to participate and leverage the opportunities through the cluster. The SBA generally defines a small business as an independent business with fewer than 500 employees.

Why am I being asked to set up a login to the Small Business Resource Library?

We use a login system to track how many small businesses we are serving in fulfillment of our SBA contract. Participation is free and we will not sell your information. By creating a login, you will be added to The Water Council’s newsletter list, but you can unsubscribe at any time.

What will I find in the resource library?

The library offers videos, articles and guides on topics of interest to small businesses such as exporting, compliance and business culture.

How can I find out about upcoming training and events?

Check our events calendar and search the “SBA” tag for upcoming events, and make sure to sign up for our mailing list.

Who are your delivery partners with this effort?

The Water Council subcontracts with external experts to offer training and support services through the program, including the University of Wisconsin-Whitewater, University of Wisconsin-Milwaukee, Cimbria Consulting and Fresh Coast Climate Solutions.

Does it cost to participate?

No, there is no cost to participate in the program offerings. Initial trainings and resource referrals are covered by SBA under the program offerings. Expanded offerings or additional follow-on services are offered for a fee.

How can I learn more and participate?

Reach out to Karen Frost, program director, to schedule an intake call to explore options.

Karen Frost

VP Economic Development & Innovation


Katie Kollhoff Mouat

Innovation Programs Director


Beverley Ferrara

European Representative





Funded in part through a Contract with the U.S. Small Business Administration. All opinions, conclusions, and/or recommendations expressed herein are those of the author(s) and do not necessarily reflect the views of the SBA

Small Business Resources

Check out our small biz library


Event Calendar

Connect with industry leaders



Learn about our programming