“Water crises are here and now. There’s lack of water, there’s contaminated water, there’s
flooding. California is out of water. Not future tense—now. Managing that today is something that companies need to prioritize.”

-Samual Karge, Senior Vice President, A. O. Smith Corporation

This quote sums up the urgency of The Water Council’s water stewardship efforts and why water stewardship should be on the agenda for every company that uses water (which is all of them). We were given the opportunity to collaborate with Forbes on a special section on water stewardship in this month’s print edition.

In this section, you can learn more about the tenets of water stewardship and how you can get started from Matt Howard, our vice president of water stewardship, and The Water Council member companies A. O. Smith Corporation and Sloan. Both of these companies are part of our WAVE: Water Stewardship Verified program — A. O. Smith as a pilot company and Sloan as our first official client.

After reading it, you might have questions about how your company can become a better water steward or get started on its water stewardship journey. The Water Council is here to help. We invite you to explore the water stewardship section of our website and contact our water stewardship team. Because this is a crisis that won’t wait.