Water Work Keeps Roaring Forward

While it has been rainy and chilly for us the last few weeks, the grass is turning green and the flowers are appearing. This renewed energy reminds me of the exciting activities taking place at The Water Council. I’m especially pleased that we are having more in-person meetings, hosting visitors from across the world, planning our first member meeting in two years and preparing for the return of our Water Leaders Summit in October.

Collaboration is Key at WEFTEC 2021

WEFTEC is a highlight of The Water Council’s year, and though the event looked different in 2021, that fact didn’t change. The Water Council has a strong presence at this year’s event in Chicago, co-sponsoring the Global Center with the Wisconsin Economic Development Corporation on behalf of the state of Wisconsin.

Seeking Water Champions

At The Water Council, we love to convene, connect and showcase our members. But this can leave out companies that aren’t part of the water technology sector but still want to support our mission of driving freshwater innovation and advancing water stewardship. That’s where our new Water Champion initiative comes in.