View From Europe: Opportunity Abounds to Enter U.S. Market

headshot of Beverley Ferrara and a map of Europe

For many firms, expanding into the US is attractive in theory, but daunting in practice. It’s even more challenging given current travel restrictions. Realizing the value of convening groups to share insights and ideas, The Water Council recently launched a new initiative to make it easier for European firms to connect with other water professionals in our ecosystem and with each other.

Water Stewardship Marries Sustainability With Health & Wellbeing

Although buildings are homes to living beings, they can also be thought of as living entities themselves. While it’s not a perfect analogy, buildings are “alive” in the sense that the materials used to make them, the locations they occupy, and the ways owners and occupants treat a building’s shell and systems all have a profound impact on the useful life of a building.

Water Sessions: Episode 10

Hydraloop Systems’s co-founder and CMO Sabine Stuiver shares their water tech journey, from idea to innovation sensation for its recycling system that retrieves, purifies and disinfects shower, bath and washing machine water without the traditional use of membranes or filters for household reuse. This is their 10-year journey. LISTEN IN